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This briefing note is about how to run a UK branch, partnership or sole trader business. It is an abbreviated extract from a book written by Simon Edrich “Doing Business in Great Britain” which is due to be published shortly.
This briefing note is about how to run a company in the UK. It is an abbreviated extract from a book written by Simon Edrich “Doing Business in Great Britain” which is due to be published shortly.
This briefing note is about how to open a company in the UK. It is an abbreviated extract from a book written by Simon Edrich “Doing Business in Great Britain” which is due to be published shortly.
This briefing note is about how to open a UK branch, partnership or sole trader business. It is an abbreviated extract from a book written by Simon Edrich “Doing Business in Great Britain” which is due to be published shortly.
This briefing note is about how to close a UK business. It is an abbreviated extract from a book written by Simon Edrich “Doing Business in Great Britain” which is due to be published shortly.
A sharp letter from a solicitor will often be enough to encourage a stubborn debtor to pay. But if this doesn’t work then there are essentially three main choices that you have to recover debts. You can: