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LIMIT 0, 6
Sale of buy-to-let by an overseas person This note explains the UK capital gains tax (CGT) on the sale of a UK buy-to-let, holiday or second home, by a non UK resident. For example, it applies to an Italian who lives in Italy and wants to sell a UK rental property. It’s a surprisingly confusing […]
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Main points – reduction to National Insurance, increase in VAT threshold and changes to “non dom” regime On 6 March 2024, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt presented his Spring Budget to Parliament. In the knowledge that the government must hold a general election before 28 January 2025, this was a Budget designed to restore confidence and win […]
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Overview On 22 November 2023, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt presented his Autumn Statement (mini Budget). The main points to note are that cuts in National Insurance have been announced, for both employees and the self-employed, and the minimum wage is to increase to £11.44/hour. Both of these are clearly good news for workers. But there wasn’t really […]
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Introduction A few clients have asked me recently to explain some of the rules around gifts and inheritance tax. One interesting rule is the ‘Gift with reservation of benefit rule’. I talk about this a little here. As you probably know, if you give an asset away and survive for 7 years, then there’s usually […]
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Quick summary and our view The Spring Statement 2023 (effectively a mini budget) might be good for the economy, but it doesn’t seem very good for companies, and is particularly harsh for small small companies. Why? Because: So, small companies are hit by both higher tax rates and a reduction in allowable expenses. We have […]
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The Chancellor announced his new Growth Plan on Friday 23rd September 2022. Highlights: Basic rate Income Tax has been reduced to 19% from 20% and the 45% band will be abolished Corporation Tax will remain at 19% and will not increase to 25%, as was previously planned Both the employers’ and the employees’ National insurance […]
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