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LIMIT 84, 6
Purpose of this note This note provides an overview of the UK Pay as You Earn (PAYE) system and discusses how it is applied to non-UK employees and nationals. Overview Pay as You Earn Pay as You Earn (PAYE) is the method by which UK companies deduct Income Tax and social security tax (called National […]
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The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) is a fantastic scheme. It helps small, early-stage companies raise their first tranche of equity finance. Investors that use this scheme to buy new shares in an approved company can reduce their tax bill by 50% of their investment. The maximum that they can invest in an SEIS company is £100,000/year.
This briefing note describes some fundamental legal concepts that are important to running a UK business. It is an abbreviated extract from a book written by Simon Edrich “Doing Business in Great Britain” which is due to be published shortly.
Many overseas people that set up a UK company believe that it will automatically pay tax in the UK, but this is not always the case. This briefing note is about where your business will be taxed.
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This briefing note is about some of the important employment rules in the UK. It is an abbreviated extract from a book written by Simon Edrich “Doing Business in Great Britain” which is due to be published shortly.
Most overseas people that do business in the UK open companies. Often this is the right option, but not always. This note looks at some of the advantages and disadvantages of other business structures. It is an abbreviated extract from a book written by Simon Edrich “Doing Business in Great Britain” which is due to be published shortly.