Last SQL-Query: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS hH3672yj6z_posts.ID
FROM hH3672yj6z_posts JOIN hH3672yj6z_icl_translations wpml_translations
ON hH3672yj6z_posts.ID = wpml_translations.element_id
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WHERE 1=1 AND hH3672yj6z_posts.post_type = ‘resources’ AND ((hH3672yj6z_posts.post_status = ‘publish’)) AND ( ( ( wpml_translations.language_code = ‘it’ OR (
wpml_translations.language_code = ‘en’
AND hH3672yj6z_posts.post_type IN ( ‘resources’ )
AND ( (
( SELECT COUNT(element_id)
FROM hH3672yj6z_icl_translations
WHERE trid = wpml_translations.trid
AND language_code = ‘it’
) = 0
) OR (
( SELECT COUNT(element_id)
FROM hH3672yj6z_icl_translations t2
JOIN hH3672yj6z_posts p ON = t2.element_id
WHERE t2.trid = wpml_translations.trid
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p.post_status = ‘publish’ OR p.post_status = ‘private’ OR
( p.post_type=’attachment’ AND p.post_status = ‘inherit’ )
) = 0 ) )
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ORDER BY hH3672yj6z_posts.post_date DESC
LIMIT 72, 6
Job Retention Scheme extended and Local Restrictions Support Grant announced Over the weekend the UK Government made two announcements that will help to support UK businesses: extension of the Job Retention Scheme; and creation of a Local Restrictions Support Grant Job Retention Scheme The Job Support Scheme that was recently announced has been suspended and […]
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Why you might need to reduce your second payment on account Many people will have deferred their personal tax second payment on account because of COVID and wont now need to make the payment (initially due 31/7/20) to 31/1/21. However, because of reduced income, it may be that the size of this second payment account […]
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Background to the new Job Support Schemes As you probably remember, the initial wage subsidy offered by the Government to employees was called the Furlough Scheme. This scheme comes to an end at the end of October and claims for October need to be submitted to HMRC no later than 30/11/20. On 24 September the […]
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The Job Support Scheme aims to protect jobs by topping up the wages of staff that are employed on a part-time basis.
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The rules on the Job Retention Scheme are changing The aim of this note is to provide you with an update on the UK Job Retention Scheme and follows various announcements and changes made by the UK Government. The rules that are planned to operate each month are, in summary as follows. Job Retention Scheme […]
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Background to the Bounce Back Loan The UK Government has announced that a new loan will be available from today to help small businesses. Details of the loan, called a ‘Bounce Back Loan’ can be found on the following web-site: Bounce Back Loan – summary In summary, the loan: is aimed at helping small and […]
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